Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Grameen Bank....

Grameen Bank......

We had a wonderful beginning for PM565(Emerging Trends in Global Health). I always used to wonder what it would take to eliminate poverty from this world. Random thoughts used to cross my mind about the various routes to follow in the process. It was not until Dr. Gurinder Shahi mentioned in class about the Grameen Bank Foundation, that my eyes were wide opened. Unlike the usual rules which the Banks in general follow, Grameen Bank lends money to its borrowers( the needy) not based on collateral security but based on mutual trust, accountability and participation. It is these kind of true life incidents which make us wonder the power of leaders and their role in the community. Recent data shows that the bank has 7.4 million borrowers in Bangladesh and has a repay rate of 98%. This great inspirational microcredit organization was started by Muhammad Yunus who won the Noble Peace Prize in 2006 for his work. It is noteworthy that this began with an amount as little as US$27 in the year 1976. It is individuals like him, who envision changing the lives of millions of people around the world, and see to it that they achieve their goals fighting against all odds. Each one of us wants to make a difference in the lives of the people around us…..we may encounter many obstacles….but we should motivate ourselves and strive to achieve our goals. It is important to remember that a leader may be a source of motivation to the people around him, but the leader himself has to self motivate himself when he/she is at the top since at that point he will be leading others who entrust their faith in him.


Charlyn-Darlin' said...

Hello Priya, thanks for your kind comment on my blog! I read your first post and seriously, what an inspirational story. Its just a small example that there is still good in the world and that even the littlest push towards self-sufficiency can yield great results.

yasminkhan said...

Great Post! Dr. Yunus is a huge inspiration! He shows how influential a vision can be, and with very little he was able to change the lives of many women in Bangladesh by liberating them economically. He provides hope for all us looking to make a difference in these nations where attempting to make a difference can appear to be an overwhelming and daunting task.